Adult learning happens only where there is engagement. Inculcating education as an inspiration into organizations, is both an art and a science. Designing L&D solutions that tickle the curiosity, invite self-learning, motivate application and lead to enhanced performance in organizations is achieved through years of experience in L&D concepts and technologies.

Kolb’s Learning styles

Neuro Psychology and Cognitive Science Inputs

sensory leaning

Sensory Learning Paradigm

Flipped classroom

Blended Learning

self discovery final

Self Discovery Based


Do Organizations learn? Do organizations make mistakes? Do organizations perform? Of course they do, but how do we address this “organization” in order to embed learning into the DNA?

Leaders inspire the extra mile performance. Do yours leaders do? Leaders inspire by example, charisma, relationship and much more depending on the organizational situation.

The big puzzle is why the best individuals working together, sometimes don’t make the best team. How can we create and Manage powerhouse teams? They don’t happen by accident, so is there a science to it?

The strength of the chain lies in its weakest link. One size does not fit all when it comes to understanding and motivating individuals. Neuroscience inputs help us achieve better success rates.

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“Learning is the process by which knowledge is created through the transformation of experience” (Kolb). We at Mindmetrics acknowledge and give thanks to the works of Kolb and Kurt Lewin and others in this field.

According to this model, for comprehensive learning experience a learner has to navigate 4 stages of the learning cycle: Concrete Experience, Reflective Observation, Abstract Conceptualization and Active Experimentation. Learners may exhibit patterned preferences which characterize their learning style, which, according to Kolb, are described as Thinking / Feeling and Watching/ Doing.

This model is particularly suited for a business context, as adult learning is already patterned and difficult to change. The most important aspect of adult learning is the learner’s cognitive process, not the teacher/trainer’s expertise. Learning solutions for adults are learner driven.

For a deeper understanding of the model, we encourage you to browse for more information about it. However, here we wish to reinforce that from the point of view of designing a learning solution for a group, it is vital that the diversity of learning styles within the group be recognized, and the solution so designed with intentionality as to allow learners to engage in each of these stages, and we have taken care to do so.

Our programs use Neuro science inputs, brain dominance theories, multiple sensory delivery paths, discovers and accommodates different learning styles of people, which are assessed through structured inventories. Courses are then designed to cater to different people, even if in the same group.

Our facilitators are highly experienced and certified in the use of world-class tools for L&D.

Do we have one brain, 2 brains, 3 or 4?

Far from looking at just 1 brain, we have the 2 brain theory with the hemispherical definitions of right and left brain and their differences in specializations; we have the 3 brain or triune brain theory with each part of the three brains processing different things: the primitive brain taking care of survival and involuntary functions, the limbic brain processing emotions and feelings, and the neocortex for higher-order cognitive activities like learning and creativity. So, should we target the neocortex and present content as merely intellectual challenges? No, research shows that learning takes place in a trust-filled environment. and sensing risk lies in the primitive brain and feelings of trust lie in the limbic brain; and then we have the four quadrants that are distinctly different brains: the rational, the creative, the sensitive or intuitive and the safekeeping.

So which brain do we cater to when we design learning solutions?

To make things even more complicated, Neuro Linguistic programming tells us that our different senses have a significant impact on how we perceive, process, understand and relate to the world: and even though all five senses are essential, most people exhibit a marked preference for 3 out of them for cognitive purposes: The V_A_K style or the visual, auditory and kinesthetic representation systems. According to this science sensory inputs that are three tuples or more make a significant impact on us: learning solutions that engage at least 3 out of 5 (or 6?) senses, have a higher chance of being internalized.

Our Learning solutions are mindful of these challenges our facilitators are trained in NLP, Instrumentation Design and Enrichment, cognitive sciences, Psychometric assessments (to assess the diversity of the group) Emotional Intelligence and more.

Our programs use neuro science inputs, brain dominance theories, multiple sensory delivery paths, and discovers and accommodates different learning styles of people, which are assessed through structured inventories. Courses are then designed to cater to different people, even if in the same group.

Our facilitators are highly experienced and certified in the use of world-class tools for L&D.

When infants handle objects, and feel them, throw them, put them in their mouth and generally do all sorts of things with them, this is called “global learning” where they are learning through all their senses, and understanding an object.

Even as we grow, as Kolb says, we learn or accumulate knowledge primarily through our experience. From the million things we perceive on an everyday basis, what becomes knowledge are those pieces of processed details, filtered through our experiential filters. Individual filters of one’s own experience are infinitely more enduring than anything acquired through reading, hearing etc.

We learn through our senses; even through our muscles, which is called “alpha memory” and is most reliable of them all – examples are activities such as swimming, cycling, riding etc. which, we learn through our muscles, and never forget.

That is the reason why power point-based learning, which primarily caters only to the eyes, or at best to ears as well, does not become an “experience”.

To create an experience, a new input should go beyond sensory and cognitive filters to the emotional regions as well.

Sensory pedagogy designs learning solutions in such a way that facilitators “design experiences”, rather than inform facts.

Our programs use neuro science inputs, brain dominance theories, multiple sensory delivery paths, and discovers and accommodates different learning styles of people, which are assessed through structured inventories. Courses are then designed to cater differently to people, even if in the same group.

Our facilitators are highly experienced and certified in the use of world-class tools for L&D.

The flipped classroom model turns traditional teaching on its head!

Instead of introducing a concept/ definition first and then producing illustrations or proof of the concept and application, the flipped classroom model approaches learning differently.

The learning group does the learning before entering the learning space. Content or material is given to them before the actual class, and they have done the learning beforehand, so when they enter the learning space, they are immediately lively, engaged, and ready to apply the knowledge. They come together to use, not to acquire, learning. Flipped learning environments are ideally suited for business contexts because the participants are more used to action than to sit down for hours listening to theory.

Flipped classrooms are much more demanding than traditional classes because the facilitator needs to design and provide the content suited to individuals in multiple learning modes before the actual classroom session. The facilitator usually has also got to do a lot of pre-course work, gathering case material to design the challenges.

Flipped classrooms are most effective in making learner-driven sessions and creating an application arena .

Our programs use Neuro science inputs, brain dominance theories, multiple sensory delivery paths, and discovers and accommodates different learning styles of people, which are assessed through structured inventories. Courses are then designed to cater differently to people, even if in the same group.

Our facilitators are highly experienced and certified in the use of world-class tools for L&D.

Blended learning is a form of, and is more than, self-paced learning. In this method face-to-face learning from a facilitator/mentor, self-learning through study materials, group learning, experiential learning through experiments performed, or action research on the field, and virtual learning, are all combined.

The entire capsule to be learned is designed to allow self paced learning, clarifying with mentors/ peers, projects through which concepts are tested and so on.

While conceptually, this is grounded on the sensory learning paradigm, it is most useful in guiding a learner through the four stages of learning of Kolb and includes the use of technology.
The solutions designed usually allow the learner to go back and forth so that they may enter and exit through any of the four stages and can learn individually or with peers.

Our programs use neuro science inputs, brain dominance theories, multiple sensory delivery paths, and discovers and accommodates different learning styles of people, all of which are assessed through structured inventories. Courses are then designed to cater to different styles, even if in the same group.

Our facilitators are highly experienced and certified in the use of world-class tools for L&D.

The "self" is central to the experience, and experience is central to learning.

WIIFM, (or what's In It for Me) is a big part of the learning process that inspires or blocks learning. If the individual decides there is nothing to gain by learning something, internal motivation is stifled, effectively preventing all sensory engagement and cognitive processing. To create this WIFFM, all our solutions are designed with the learning outcome of the individual in mind.

What does the learner gain? Why does he need it? Why was he chosen for the program, if he was nominated? This is part of the design, and we bring the "self" of the learner in through assessments, self-discovery, peer feedback about the learner, and contextual mapping, to maximize learning.

It could be peer feedback, 360 assessments or self-appraisal data, but the learner is as central as the content of learning, and we are careful to structure this in the beginning, middle and end of the solutions for reinforcement.

Post the learning program, learners have access to personal development plans. Between learning and implementing lies the Sphinx' s gateway. With proper pathways, reinforcements and feedback, the learner is likely to put to use the solutions and further his / her growth. PDPs are designed for each course based on expected learning outcomes specified at the beginning, which links L&D efforts tightly to Business and Personal Goals.

Our facilitators are highly experienced and certified in the use of world-class tools for L&D programs.