HR Strategy

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The difference that makes the difference, within organization is the HR strategy. People make dreams happen, not processes and structures. A clear HR strategy is needed to attract and hold the right people, engage in a synergistic development with them, keep them in the “flow” of achievement. Structures and processes need to be designed with this in mind, and not as if they are an end result.

Job design and structure

Employee engagement strategies

Corporate citizenship strategy

Leader development strategy

Learning strategy creation

Competency mapping and capability

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We assist clients come up with structures in which diverse individual not only fit but thrive; we design jobs that balance objectives with aptitudes; employ tools to measure input climate, such that outputs are assured. Designing roles is complex enough, but building linkages between roles, sizing them and nesting them is equally complex for a balanced organization with checks and balances in freedom and accountability.

Employee engagement strategies involves designing a gamut of strategies that enshrine the most profitable organizational values according to research, and the values delineated through mapping the organizational DNA using neuroscience learnings to institutionalize them in a measurable way. It is possible that some values may be more improtant for some funtions, such as creativity for R&D and accounts. Yeta truly effective organization has an inclusive strategy.

This exerice, combined with Team composition can lead to matching jobs to indivduals than the other way around, and build power house teams.

Companies are known by their personalities, much like human beings. In order to make sure that individuals feel comfortable the culture it is necessary to delineating organizational values and engineering purposefully. The culture forms a part of the business strategy ;creating a constitution that is a vanguard of such a culture helps to maximize productive behavior and a feeling of belonging among employees, which goes a long way in Motivation. IThis processnvolves designing instruments, policies , procedures, measurements, assessments and communication systems that ensure organization justice, both perceived and intended

Businesses that generate leaders never go out of business identifying the future need for leaders and undertaking a strategy to develop them in-house serves at multiple levels: engagement, retention, integration, and performance. Using highly skilled tools like mapping thinking preferences to task needs, using a sliding scale of manager/leader skill mapping, and emotional intelligence frameworks ensure that there is no leadership vacuum / chasm at any point. It also gives the organization a chance to develop a diverse set of leaders to maximize complementarity.

It assumes that everyone learns equally well.. In the fast-changing business context where employees need to learn continuously the “learning index” is a metric that is very important, as is the “learning style” of an individual. Learning strategies of organizations must take this into account and come up with ‘different strokes for different folks”. The so-called training calendar of an organization needs to be replaced with “experience planner” as all learning solutions need to be made experiential to be successful in resulting in improved work behaviour or output.

Every organization is unique in its core strengths. To make these strengths sustainable is the challenge.

Competency mapping involves job analysis on the one hand and individual strength analysis on the other, to help organizations utilize them well. It also extends to mapping organizational competencies in some context. Fostering these competencies across employees helps build organizational strength.

Mapping the core values and competencies of organization and individuals serves to make them visibly inspiring. With appropriate linkages, it benefits the organization in several ways from job assessments, to maximizing individual fit to the job, to building a value structure to ensuring succession of competency.