Home > ASSESSMENTS AND FEEDBACK > Moments of Truth Survey


Moments of truth are important points in time in a potential interaction, and decisive prephatic communication moments. These have to be carefully curated and primed time to time, to ensure that customers and others interacting with the company, experience the company as intended: otherwise wishes and realities take two different paths.

Typically undertaken with customers as part of marketing strategy, this survey can also be extended to vendors and others, including employees. Any key stakeholder that the organization wants to make an impact on can be a part of this survey.

We design the survey to measure the perception of the defined stakeholder, use neuro psychological frame works and explore all sensory modalities of perception. For this reason, the survey is usually deep and takes some incentivization for participants to co-operate. It is also possible to use neuro sensors for custom-built surveys.

This is usually undertaken, while repositioning, rebranding, or after a management change and a significant impact is expected.
All surveys are administered online with a debriefing before, and expected to be filled in anonymously except for function/ department. Results are collated in clusters as well as in aggregate, to design appropriate remedial measures, or as input to a larger change management program.

The survey results usually have huge impact: they remove blind spots, demolish assumptions, deconstruct myths and enlighten on expectations. We help to construct a clear strategy from these inputs, and help design the new avatar of brand, corporate image, or customer strategy from the results to the restructuring or rebranding exercise and provide a multi-lateral perspective to the initiative.

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