Organizational culture is thought of as comprising of espoused values and practiced Values, but what are seen is only practiced values. This disconnect is invisible until it is measured.
More often than it is understood, organization culture and morale impact the overall effectiveness of an organization. From there spring employee engagement, organizational citizenship, perceived organizational justice, and even innovation potential, experimentation and such distinguishing characteristics of the organization’s DNA.
While hard traits of an organization such as productivity are easily measured, softer traits such as culture, morale, motivation etc. are not so easy to measure. It is also better to get such surveys done with neutral third parties for two reasons: employees are more willing to give authentic feedback when done through neutral outside agencies; secondly and more importantly, action based on results of the feedback usually involves bringing in best practices or Next practices, and convincing TMT to lead from the front in these change areas, which is also better done by consultants with a broad spectrum Industry knowledge.
We offer comprehensive culture surveys: beginning with a discussion on articulation of the values, and the philosophy and intent behind the values, we initiate the survey of espoused values. The survey is aimed at assessing the levels of clarity, assimilation, acceptance and practice. Based on discussions with the management, Different scales that are tested for reliability and validity are used. If the set of values have not been used in a reliable scale, a new scale is constructed, tested statistically for reliability and validity to be used. The gaps provide the lead for cultural engineering or change management initiatives.