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Corporate Strategy
The business strategy encompasses within it a corporate or stake holder vision and intent, the way it is translated as product/service offerings to a market or client specific strategies, the way People and Technology are leveraged and empowered through structures and processes, to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage to realize the leadership position. One or several parts of this whole may be addressed at any point in time.
A large and diversified organization has its own complexities of internal pressures, pulls in different directions, with each sub unit addressing different sections or markets. A corporate entity may have different revenue streams requiring different operating models, and the corporate strategy should allow for flexibility, uniqueness and yet be a cohesive whole, delivering more than the sum of the corporate businesses. Without a cohesive corporate strategy, the organization can seem to be either chaotic with conflicting goals at sub unit levels or become too defocused in trying to be everything to everybody.
Our services in arriving at corporate and unit level strategies involves studying the entire organization, identifying the complexities and delivering comprehensive product-market and brand strategy, appropriate business models and sales and customer strategy for the Total system and subsystems of large organizations.
Corporate strategy is not solely a matter of chasing the highest returns. It is about understanding the strengths of the company and how the company can make a difference in where they choose to invest, and leveraging an organization’s competitive assets and capabilities consistently for a leadership position and superior performance over time.