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Corporate Citizenship Strategy
Companies are known by their personalities, much like human beings. In order to make sure that individuals feel comfortable in their work setting, it is necessary to delineate organizational values and engineer the desired culture purposefully. The first step to organizational Identity and Pride is to make every member feel one with the spirit of the organization, not very different from the spirit of Nationalism.
It behooves the organization to create a constitution that one is proud to comply with, that one understands to be fair, nurturing and supportive. Notions of organizational justice and procedural justice, fairness and transparency have to be visible to employees, not merely coded in policies.
Mindmetrics helps create a corporate citizenship strategy that includes but is not limited to fostering culture and creating a constitution that is a vanguard of such a culture. This helps to maximize productive behavior and a feeling of belonging among employees, which goes a long way in Motivation.
This process involves designing instruments, policies, procedures, measurements, assessments and communication systems that ensure organization justice, both perceived and intended.