
Assessments and Surveys
More often than it is understood, organization culture and morale impact the overall effectiveness of an organization. From there spring employee engagement, organizational citizenship, perceived organizational justice, and even innovation potential, experimentation and such distinguishing characteristics. These surveys designed and undertaken by Mindmetrics go further than merely capturing data, they are used to re engineer and foster the specific traits that are considered as impacting effectiveness. These surveys are usually web administered, results collated and interpreted to isolate specific organizational characteristics, analysed function wise and level wise so that different interventions can be designed for different parts of the organization. Feedback is presented in an aggregated fashion to protect sensitivities and pre-survey and post survey briefing is handled carefully.
We offer a range of behavioural and competency assessments, linked to job competencies. Rather than offer this as a standalone service, Mindmetrics offers to map the organizational DNA, JOB DNA and map them onto individual maps, this identifying developmental areas in individuals, as well as gaps in organizational competency that can be bridged.

360 Degree Feedback
Mindmetrics was one of the first organizations to use 360 degree feedbacks two decades ago. A developmental tool for leaders, which gives valuable data from self, reporters, bosses, and customers on critical behaviours, the complexity of this tool lies in the way it needs to be designed, administered, de briefed and tied to changes in the work behaviour of the respondent. This calls for trained coaches, credible anonymous administrative mechanism and post feedback develop mental plans. Mindmetrics deals with different instruments, handpicked for different structures and cultures if organizations, and ties the feedback to effective coaching mechanisms
In the case of leaders and senior management, often is the case where they have been exposed to the best of training and work challenges, and yet have not unlocked their full potential. It is no secret that it is lonely at the top. Senior leaders often struggle to balance between participatory style and confidentiality and are in need of a neutral sounding board. Often, wisdom lies within. However, some engagement with a trusted and respected neutral party who uses a structured process to bring out the latent wisdom helps the thinking process.

Executive coaching : Is aimed at helping senior executives fulfil their goals and providing the perspective and support in which to think aloud and tease out solutions. Mindmetrics offers executive to coach structure, as well as a tripartite executive, to organizational leader to coach linkage. The process in the first case is direct client to coach, and the coaching goal is aimed at supporting the individual to fulfil his role obligations and in the second case the boss of the coachee or a prescribed stakeholder will also be involved. The coaching goal here is to help the coachee fulfil stakeholder specified goals
In this case, the structured process of world class coach Marshall goldsmith stakeholder centred coaching (copyrighted) is followed. In either case measurable and verifiable improvements are agreed upon with clients.
Life skills coaching: work life balance is a topical issue these days and several organisations do not have internal bandwidth to address these challenges of employees, as stresses may arise not directly out of work, that impact organizational effectiveness. Mindmetrics offers coaching services using emotional intelligence and lifestyle coaching processes and support systems to help clients in areas other than work, through coaches certified in these areas. Assistance is offered to spouses and family counselling where required

Organizational culture is thought of as comprising of espoused values, but what are seen are only practiced values. This disconnect is invisible until it is measured.

Do employee engagement programs work? The proof is in the pudding, or the metrics, in this case. Engagement metrics themselves are just foreboders: the derivatives are more important.

A subsystem of the organization is function/department. While appraisal of individuals or total businesses are common, departmental effectiveness is only done sporadically or as part of quality audit process. These surveys go beyond auditing compliance to measuring achievement of functional goals.

Internal customer effectiveness is sometimes visible in organizations, but internal vendor constraints go unnoticed. This is particularly critical for managing demands on support functions within organizations.

Work assessments for individuals are usually profiles: it is not about the entire person, but work-related aspects/ profile of the person. In this sense, pure psychometric assessments are not the right choice, but profiles which have a job context. In other words, we profile the job and the person.

Moments of truth are important points in time in a potential interaction, and decisive prephatic communication moments. These have to be carefully curated and primed time to time, to ensure that customers and others interacting with the company, experience the company as intended: otherwise wishes and realities take two different paths.

It is easy to measure and monitor performance results, than it is to monitor performance modalities. Modalities are in a sense precursor to results, and measuring modalities is a lead indicator to spotting potential problems with results. This is especially critical at higher levels as an effective board or TMT can steer a company to success, or vice versa.

Corporate governess has a primary role in protecting share holder value and accountability, yet it has far reaching impact on other areas such as balancing economic and social values of the company, improving performance and accountability, and laying the foundations for succession and sustainability of organizations. It is imperative to ensure that governance is effective, irrespective of the size of the organization. Surveys assist in measuring this effectiveness.

Custom built surveys are useful where the size of the organization, need for anonymity, complexity of geographic spread of the organization etc. are impediments in collecting data. Industry data, market data, product, brand perception data etc. are also undertaken on an as and when necessary basis. In order to ensure data integrity and discipline, such surveys need to be designed and implemented with rigor. Modern neuro science tools can be deployed where possible to collect data with ease and more accurately.