Welcome To MindMetrics
We are an organization in the space of OD consulting, leading organizations through change to reach ambitious goals. OD consulting focuses on enabling organizations reach their goals by identifying key drivers of desired performance, and embedding them in organizational structures, systems, people and culture and measuring and monitoring them for dynamic course correction. We offer bespoke Consulting, L&D solutions Assessment and Survey services, and Executive coaching services.
Business Area
The organization is seen as an entity that has several interlocking systems: individuals, teams, leaders and the entire organization. Their interaction gives rise to organizational operations and business results.
To bring about changes in the performance area, these interlocking systems have to be addressed severally and collectively. Mindmetrics uses Consulting and Learning & Development approaches together to enhance organizational performance. The strength of the consulting practice comes from clarity in functional areas of business management. The advantage of the Learning & Development area comes from a core understanding of the cognitive function of the human brain, with all Learning & Development offerings designed to maximize learning.
Our consulting approach focuses on custom built studies/surveys. Standardized tools /inventories are used for data collection and a rigorous analytical approach for arriving at appropriate recommendations. The plan is always from the desired result to the study of current strategy/structure/systems and identifying gaps (the diagnostic phase), making recommendations (intervention phase) and implementing them through creating in-house change management teams.
The Learning & Development approach combines the current understanding of Mind-Body System, Experiential Learning, Neuro-Psychological Discipline, NLP, Whole Brain Thinking and such areas. This effectively maximizes learning, as all programmers are administered in a way that can be easily assimilated by individuals, despite their differences. It also minimizes “transmission losses'” from classroom to workplace.
Consultants each of us has two to three decades of experience across multiple vertical domains of industries.
To empower businesses to be forever sustainable, helping them to grow, transform and reinvent themselves, through holistic organizational development work, using cutting edge findings from the Business, Neuro psychology and Learning Domains.
To enable every customer to achieve their Transformational and Performance Enhancement Goals by designing, implementing and institutionalizing components of Peak Performance capabilities and enabling self-programming by the organization for future goal achievement.